Title: The Rape of Imoen
Release Date: November 2019
Genre: Taboo Erotica
Pages: 8
ISBN13: 9780463628607
Content Flags: ViolenceNonConMonsterRough SexGroup Sex
Imoen escaped the orcs, but not before they'd done their worst. Now, months later, the memories come back every night -- and she's starting to enjoy them.
She always told herself ‘no.’ She told herself to scream and the fight, that she didn't want them to rape her. But as her one hand caressed the underside of her bosom, the other eased between her naked legs. The brush of soft curls met her palm, and she licked her lips as she spread her thighs wider. Not too far -- not yet. They hadn't taken her right away, and she didn't want to spread too soon. She tried to keep the fantasy true to life, reliving the scents and sights and sounds. It made it so much better.