Cover image for 'Crumbling Down' by T.C. Dale
10 February 2017

Fifty-three elves stood ringed around the Tree of Life: all that remained of Suldanessellar’s defenders. Eleven of them were Elhan and the few of his men who were still sound enough to fight. The rest were able-bodied men and women drawn from the crowd of survivors. They were clad in the blood-stained armor of the…

Cover image for 'Crumbling Down' by T.C. Dale
12 April 2016

Tenthday, ere Eleint (Day 3)   The City of Coin indeed. I have been made an offer of assistance. Some grand, unknown benefactor will help me to locate and rescue Imoen…for twenty thousand gold. How I’m supposed to raise such an amount I’ve no idea. Given a few years, doubtlessly I could. But I do…

Cover image for 'Crumbling Down' by T.C. Dale
26 April 2016

The third morning came, and again they were alive. Imoen became aware of the world around her slowly as she stretched her arms overhead and stifled a yawn with the back of one hand. Cassandra stirred slightly as her ‘pillow’ moved. Imoen smiled and gently laid her hand on her sister’s red-gold hair. It was…

Cover image for 'Crumbling Down' by T.C. Dale
10 May 2016

“So… he tortured me… but you knew that. He had these special knives he liked to use, and I know each one by heart now. I can tell just from the sound of the metal being unsheathed, the feel against my skin, the sharpness, the curve of the blade… There were three of them for…

Cover image for 'Crumbling Down' by T.C. Dale
17 May 2016

There were no further encounters as they made their way through Spellhold’s halls. The commotion of Cassie’s transformation seemed to attract no attention whatsoever, and it was not long before they puzzled out why. They made their way to the upmost level of the asylum, the main floor, and passed each room with increasing confusion….